C# Difference between using Array.Length vs Array.Count()


The "Array.Length" and "Array.Count()" properties in C# are commonly used to find the number of elements in an array.

However, they have different implementations and are used in different scenarios.


Array.Length is a property of the Array class in C#, which is a fixed-size collection of elements of a particular type.

It returns the number of elements in an array, which is fixed and cannot be changed during the lifetime of the array.

The Length property is the fastest way to determine the number of elements in an array because it is an instance property of the array and can be accessed directly.

Here's an example of using Array.Length:

int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int length = numbers.Length;
Console.WriteLine("The length of the array is: " + length);


The length of the array is: 5


Array.Count() is an extension method of the System.Linq namespace, and it is used to find the number of elements in a collection.

It returns the number of elements in a collection that implements the IEnumerable interface.

The Count() method is slower than the Length property because it is a LINQ method that needs to iterate over the collection to count the elements.

And here's an example of using Array.Count():

List<string> names = new List<string> { "John", "Jane", "Jim" };
int count = names.Count();
Console.WriteLine("The count of the list is: " + count);


The count of the list is: 3


In conclusion, Array.Length is faster and should be used when the collection is an array.

On the other hand, Array.Count() should be used when the collection implements IEnumerable and requires LINQ support.

In summary, Array.Length is a property of the Array class and returns the number of elements in an array, while Array.Count() is an extension method of the System.Linq namespace and returns the number of elements in a collection that implements IEnumerable
