How to convert a Pandas DataFrame to a NumPy Array


Data manipulation and analysis is an important part of any data science project.

In Python, the Pandas library provides a powerful and versatile tool for working with data in the form of DataFrames.

However, sometimes it may be necessary to convert a DataFrame to a NumPy array in order to work with certain libraries or perform specific operations.

NumPy is a library for scientific computing in Python that provides support for multi-dimensional arrays, mathematical functions, and other tools for data manipulation.

Pandas DataFrame to a NumPy Array

Converting a DataFrame to a NumPy array allows us to leverage the capabilities of NumPy to perform mathematical operations on the data and even use it with machine learning libraries.

There are several ways to convert a DataFrame to a NumPy array, but the most straightforward method is to use the values attribute.

This attribute returns a NumPy array containing the data in the DataFrame.

Here is an example:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Create a sample DataFrame
data = {'name': ['John', 'Mary', 'Paul'], 'age': [25, 22, 30]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Convert DataFrame to NumPy array
np_data = df.values



array([['John', 25],
       ['Mary', 22],
       ['Paul', 30]], dtype=object)

You can see that the output is a 2-dimensional NumPy array.

You can also convert specific columns of DataFrame to numpy array

#Convert specific column to numpy array
age_np = df['age'].to_numpy()


[25 22 30]

In this way, we can convert a DataFrame to a NumPy array in pandas.

By converting a DataFrame to a NumPy array, we can take advantage of the speed and performance of NumPy for mathematical operations, as well as use it with other libraries that work with NumPy arrays.


In conclusion, DataFrames and NumPy arrays are both powerful tools for data manipulation and analysis in Python.

By converting a DataFrame to a NumPy array, we can leverage the strengths of both libraries to perform complex data analysis and machine learning tasks.
