How to Get Domain Name Information in Rust?


Rust is a powerful programming language that is used to build fast and reliable applications.

It is a systems programming language that is designed to be safe, concurrent, and practical. Rust has gained popularity due to its strong emphasis on memory safety and performance.

In this blog post, we will explore how to get domain name information in Rust.

How to get domain name information in Rust?

To get started, we will need to use the whois crate.

The whois crate is a Rust library that allows us to retrieve domain name information from WHOIS servers.

WHOIS is a protocol used to query databases that store information about domain names. With the whois crate, we can easily query WHOIS servers to retrieve domain name information.

First, we will need to add the whois crate to our Cargo.toml file.

Open your project's Cargo.toml file and add the following line to the [dependencies] section:

whois = "0.10.1"

Next, we will create a new Rust file called and add the following code:

use whois::{Whois, WhoisLookupOptions};

fn main() {
    let domain_name = "";

    let mut options = WhoisLookupOptions::default();
    options.use_inet6 = false;

    let whois = Whois::from_options(&domain_name, &options).unwrap();
    println!("{}", whois.result());

In this code, we first import the Whois struct and WhoisLookupOptions struct from the whois crate.

We then define a main function and set the domain_name variable to the domain name we want to retrieve information for.

We then create a new WhoisLookupOptions struct and set the use_inet6 field to false.

This is done because some WHOIS servers do not support IPv6 and can cause errors if the option is enabled.

We then create a new Whois struct using the from_options method and pass in the domain_name variable and the options variable.

This method returns a

Result<Whois, whois::Error> type 

so we use the unwrap method to retrieve the Whois struct.

Finally, we print the result using the result() method of the Whois struct.

With this code, we can retrieve domain name information from WHOIS servers using Rust.

We can also customize the WhoisLookupOptions struct to modify how the lookup is performed.

For example, we can set the timeout field to a custom value to specify how long the lookup should wait before timing out.


In conclusion, Rust provides an easy and efficient way to retrieve domain name information using the whois crate.

With just a few lines of code, we can retrieve information about any domain name using WHOIS servers.
